Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Questing at Level 70

Here's something many people don't consider. When you hit level 70, the experience you can no longer get from a quest is made up for by having a larger gold reward. Currently, my quests in Netherstorm are worth 11g99s, even the easiest little things!

When I was leveling, I grinded quite a bit for gold. The end result is that I've still got 3 ENTIRE zones of untouched quests. At at least 12g per, and 20g for elite/group quests, that's more than enough for my first flying mount, especially when added to the gold I'll get from drops! Don't underestimate this, everyone. There's a huge difference between getting 3.9 gold for a quest and getting 12 gold per quest. This can be serious money, and you still get the equipment and reputation. It's win-win-win! So, if you've got the stomach for grinding, do it! Save up those quests, and complete them at 70. Your wallet will thank you!

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