Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Daily Quests

Okay, here we go, time for me to go over daily quests. If you don't know why they are good, here is why: there are about 15 daily quests over all of the factions, and they give an average of 10g or so per. However, you can only do 10 per day, so plan accordingly! This is how people usually get the 5,000 they need to get their flying mount! Anyway, here we go!

Netherwing Quests
First of all, you need to be Neutral with Netherwing to begin the daily quests. If you aren't neutral yet, follow this link to the WoWHead list of the quest chain, with lots of helpful comments! Netherwing is the faction that allows you to get a Netherdrake at the end of the long, long road.

Once you are Neutral (9 quests later), and have some sort of flying mount, you can do the dailies. Here they are, with links to WoWHead for details. I will include gold approximates, but if you want the real skinny on them, follow the links.

Netherwing Crystals : 12g, 250 rep
A Slow Death : 12g, 250 rep
The Not-So-Friendly Skies : 12g 250 rep

When you get to Friendly, more become available.
Picking Up the Pieces : 18g, 350 rep
Dragons are the Least of our Problems : 12g, 350 rep
Booterang: A Cure For The Common Worthless Peon : 12g, 350 rep

At Honored you can begin to do one more.
Disrupting the Twilight Portal : 12g, 500 rep

Two more become available at Revered.
The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid (Scryers) : 12g, 500 rep
The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid (Aldor) : 12g, 500 rep

Skyguard Quests
There are two Skyguard quest hubs, one north of Skettis in Blackwind Landing, and Skyguard Outpost, in Blade's Edge Mountains. You need to do do these prereqs before you can do dailies. Skyguard is the faction that allows you to get a Nether Ray at Exalted.

Threat from Above : 250 rep
To Skettis! : 10 rep

Now, the dailies.
Fires Over Skettis : 12g, 350 rep
Escape From Skettis
: 12g, 350 rep

Ogri'la Quests
To do the Blade's Edge Mountains quests, you need to unlock the Ogri'la quest chain. The best 2 Ogri'la dailies also give rep for Skyguard, which is handy!

Speak With the Ogre
Mog'Dorg the Wizened

Even Gronn Have Standards
Grulloc Has Two Skulls
Maggoc's Treasure Chest
Grim(oire) Business
Into the Soulgrinder
Speak With Mog'Dorg
Ogre Heaven

There are two pre-quests to being able to do Ogri'la dailies (28, 56, Blade's Edge)
The Crystals
An Apexis Relic

Now for the dailies:
The Relic's Emanation : 12g, 250 rep, 15 Apexis Shards

When you get Friendly, do these pre quests:
The Skyguard Outpost
Bombing Run
Wrangle Some Aether Rays

That opens up Bomb Them Again! : 12g, 500 rep (Ogri'la AND Skyguard), 15 Apexis Shards
and Wrangle More Aether Rays! : 12g, 350 rep (Ogri'la AND Skyguard), 15 Apexis Shards

Once you get Honored, you can do Banish the Demons
Which opens up Banish More Demons : 12g, 350 rep

That's a lot of quests! I hope I presented it in a form that makes it easy to understand. As always, leave a comment if you need to point something out to me; I always read them!