Thursday, July 5, 2007

Give Me Direction

It occurs to me that I have no idea what level my readers are. Should I focus more on 60+ info, 70 info, lower than 60, a mix of both? Give me direction, folks. With so much info available, I need a way to refine my posts! Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday -- it was the 4th of July, after all. I was out and about most of the day. Hope you all had a safe and happy 4th! No worse injury for a WoW player than losing a finger. =)


Jhaddix said...

i would say end game stuff personally

Unknown said...

End game would be awesome. I am close to my epic flyer, but am having trouble getting the last 1.7k gold. Any tips would be great!

Unknown said...

Interested in level 70 information as well as end game. But anything to make gold is great!

Gabriel said...

the blog is great, grats, Im gonna read daily now. I prefer lvl 70 material, but I don't mind know the lower lvl secrets either

Unknown said...

I enjoy your Blog and am interested in the 20 to 40 level range right now thanks

sad said...

I founded out pre-TBC sercrets extreme unusual for me since all the prices ware changed in TBC so focus more on TBC thats the world we live in now :)

Bye the way: extreme good blog keep it up ;)