Disenchanting Halaa Vendor Items
Halaa is a rather annoying place to get into. In my experience, any time you want to get into it, it will be in the other faction's control. However, if you can get into it, and you're an enchanter, here's something worth your time.
The blade merchant for each faction (Aldraan for Alliance, Coreiel for Horde). They sell a limited quantity (3) green throwing item, the Avenging Blades or the Sharp Cookie, for Alliance and Horde respectively. Aside from being very decent green items for Rogues or other DPS melee classes, they disenchant into items worth rather more than the cost of buying them (2g21s). Disenchant them into Arcane Dust or Greater Planar Essences, and occasionally a Large Prismatic Shard!
This won't make you rich, folks, but it's a good way to level up Enchanting, and a good way to turn a quick profit if you're in Nagraand.