Tuesday, August 7, 2007

May the Grind Be With You - Alliance and Horde in Shadowmoon Valley

Okay, everyone, this one is kind of fun. In Shadowmoon Valley, in the Outlands, the Alliance town is "Wildhammer Stronghold", and the Horde town is "Shadowmoon Village". These are two of the main quest hubs in the zone for each faction, and interestingly, you don't even need to leave town to complete one of them!

For the Horde, the quest begins with Chief Apocethary Hildagard, and for the Alliance, Zorus the Judicator.

The quest you are interested in is the second of a chain, the first of which there are no requirements to take, other than speaking to Fantei in Shattrath first. So, find your NPC and knock out the first quest, and accept the second, which for the Horde is Spectrecles, and for the Alliance is Harbingers of Shadowmoon.

This is a typical grind quest, but here's the kicker: It takes place INSIDE a town. The mobs are very easy to kill, level 67-68. They drop lots of Netherweave, and are plentiful and quickly spawning. In short, this is a perfect, safe, lucrative place to grind! And the best part is that you're perfectly safe! So, next time you get ganked at your favorite grind spot, keep in mind that you have a much, much safer option open to you!