Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Warlocks Need Ghost Mushrooms!

So, everyone always complains how easy it is for a Warlock to get their epic mount. They just quest for it, they don't need to buy it! True enough, but they need a lot of materials to fulfill the quest, and Elixers of Shadow Power, the main ingredient of which happens to be Ghost Mushrooms (3 of them).

Ghost Mushrooms are not easy to find. So, they are low in supply, and at least in the case of Warlocks, high in demand. They don't show up on the Auction House terribly often, because they are somewhat difficult to grind for, and the potions that Warlocks need almost never show up! So, if you're an Herbalist, head over to the Hinterlands and start looking. This is one of the few places the show up reliably. They also show up in Marudon, the Desolace instance, if you can solo it.

It's hard work getting these, but the rewards make it worth it. Warlocks, in a frenzy to get their awesome-looking mount, and NOT going to want to spend days on end grinding these mushrooms, and then brewing the potions. If they aren't Herbalist/Alchemy, they have no choice but to buy them! I don't recommend putting these on the Auction House, at least not all of them. Make sure to poll your guild or in /trade to see who needs them. Most Warlocks are aware of what they need before they even begin the quest, so they won't mind getting a jump start on materials!

Questing at Level 70

Here's something many people don't consider. When you hit level 70, the experience you can no longer get from a quest is made up for by having a larger gold reward. Currently, my quests in Netherstorm are worth 11g99s, even the easiest little things!

When I was leveling, I grinded quite a bit for gold. The end result is that I've still got 3 ENTIRE zones of untouched quests. At at least 12g per, and 20g for elite/group quests, that's more than enough for my first flying mount, especially when added to the gold I'll get from drops! Don't underestimate this, everyone. There's a huge difference between getting 3.9 gold for a quest and getting 12 gold per quest. This can be serious money, and you still get the equipment and reputation. It's win-win-win! So, if you've got the stomach for grinding, do it! Save up those quests, and complete them at 70. Your wallet will thank you!

Tag Team Blacksmith/Enchanter

There's a lot of waste produced when raising crafting skills. When I was grinding up Blacksmithing, I had more Fel Iron Breastplates and other items than I knew what to do with! I couldn't sell them reliably, so I ended up just vendoring them for a little under 5g each, which is only a little less than they went for on the AH.

Still, there are much better ways to deal with the waste you get from Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring, or Engineering. All you need is an enchanter friend or alt. What I recommend doing is when you begin leveling a trade skill, roll an alt as an Enchanter.

Now, as you grind out endless greens and occasional blues to level up your craft, send them to your enchanter to disenchant. Not only does your enchanter get skill ups for doing this, they also get tons of enchanting material. Now, they can keep it, or do what I recommend and SELL it. Enchanting supplies sell far more reliably, and often for more money than what was disenchanted to get it. So, that Fel Iron Plate may not sell well, but the Arcane Dust and occasional Planar Essence or Large Prismatic Shard sure will!

This can be a huge money spinner, or not so huge, depending on how much crafting you do. Still, this is better gold than you're going to get by wasting these items, and it will add up!