Sunday, October 21, 2007

Help me!

That time again, everyone. I'm having trouble deciding what to put up. I'm also starting to have problems remembering what I have ALREADY put up, which I guess is a good thing, because it means I've posted a lot.

Anyway, someone give me some suggestions, please? Class-specific, level-specific, zones, etc etc.
Leave a comment! Thanks!


sherretz said...

I'm still having trouble getting Auctioneer Advanced set up right. For some reason, it won't sort for me by undervalued items; past the current page I'm looking at (so every page has undervalued items instead of listing them all at the front).

myke said...

What are things that can be bought from the AH, worked, and relisted at profit? Example - if you buy three Mithril Bars, you can make them into a Mithril Casing which often sells at a higher price than the cost of the three bars. What are some other good examples?

myke said...

And I was reading through the comments from earlier posts and I thought this was a good idea (forgot the person's name, sorry) - can you list and research all the daily quests and give your opinion, some tips to completing and anything you think valuable. I've been poking around and haven't found an article dedicated to the topic of "all daily quests", just the Sha'tari ones, or just the Ogri'la ones.

myke said...

Oh, here's another idea, but one that would require a lot of research on your part. But if anyone can do it, it's you.

As we all know, scoring those last 15 skill up points in our (non-gathering) professions can be long, hard and very expensive unless you know which gear to craft. I don't mean to have you give us all a leveling guide for our professions, but if you could identify a pattern or two per skill range (260-65, 65-70, 70-75) per crafting profession that sells well and sells for more than its cost, that would be amazing. Or, maybe that's not possible - but perhaps you can still identify crafted gear that sells well and helps mitigate the cost of buying the mats.

This assumes that we don't farm our mats, but that we buy them all.

I've heard way too many stories about people spending over 1500g to get their last 15 or 10 points and I would like to not be one of those ;p

wavey said...

Thanks, sherretz and myke, I'll address your questions in my next few posts!

Also, myke, in an earlier post I linked to profession-leveling guides. There is, at this point, a well-researched and established guide to level any given profession in the most efficient way. As far as selling for more than the cost of making, I don't think that is possible in the last 15 points or so, if you are buying the mats. I'll look into that, though, and get back to you!

Hope that helps!

myke said...

I was afraid you'd say that; that there was no way of profiting through the last stages of a profession when buying your mats.

wavey said...

Unfortunately, those last points were designed to take a great deal of commitment. Also, market logic prevents it from working. Think on it: the easier it is to make the item, the more people will make it, and the lower the demand/price will be. And if everyone wants to make the item, the demand/price for the constituent pieces of it will go up.

Take the Felsteel set, which takes a blacksmith from 360 to 375. The gloves take 6 felsteel bars, which go for about 13g each, yet the gloves only sell for 20 or 30 gold, because everyone makes them to level up.

myke said...

excellent point.

Unknown said...

I'm one of the MT's for my guild... as a raid prot spec warrior and my grinding abilities are lacking. Do you have any tips besides using the Auction House or dailies for making some cash? I already use both of those and I'm still finding myself very poor

Mäster said...

A list of all available dailes, not neccessarily with strats, but with perhaps WoWhead links or some such, as well as a overview of the rep they are for and rewards would rock

wavey said...

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone!

I'm working on a large project in graphic design, and it is Halloween weekend in Athens this weekend, but I will hopefully be posting on Wednesday night, and Friday afternoon if I can!